
This ability allows the user to manifest and materialise their "will" into a black substance or material for different purposes.


Upon being sealed by her two sons, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki formulated a plan that would result in her eventual resurrection. This led to the creation of the sentient-being Black Zetsu who, as an extension of her will, would enact this plan.

Madara was able to use a variation of this technique in the form of black rods. He was not only able to remotely manipulate the actions of those embedded with the rods, but also manipulate the rods imbued with his will telekinetically.[1]

Will in the form of black rods also serves as chakra conductors and can be used with Six Paths Technique through Outer Path.

Similar Cases

  • After her death, Karura's will inhabited her youngest son Gaara's sand, causing it to automatically protect him whenever he is in danger.[2][3] Gaara's sand morphs to her appearance after this is revealed by his father.
  • Like its creator, Black Zetsu was also able to subtly influence the thoughts of others,[4] or forcibly make them do his bidding by directly channelling its will through them.[5]


  1. Naruto chapter 637, page 8
  2. Naruto chapter 130, page 9
  3. Naruto chapter 547, page 14
  4. Naruto chapter 681, page 10
  5. Naruto chapter 678, page 16