

Can we say anything about the sword of kusanagi being highly durable? it tossed suigetsu's sword back to him, and it stopped killer bee's attack when sasuke sticked it in the hole in the sword, and i expected it to break. Also, when itachi used a kunai and sasuke blocked it with the flat part of his sword, it didn't even leave a scratch, and when sasuke fought danzo, the spinning shuriken that he caught didn't break the sword or the wind- enhanced shuriken that hit the sword's tip didn't even blunt it.-- (talk) 06:39, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

Since it doesn't have some insane sturdiness like Orochimaru's Sword of Kusanagi, probably not. Skitts (talk) 06:50, February 5, 2012 (UTC)
