

Is this really something to put in the Rank category? I mean, it's not a rank, it's how you get to it. ~Hakinu (talk | contribs) 23:56, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

Thats why i put it in the main part of the ninja rank category. so that it was a parent. Simant (talk) 23:58, 21 July 2009 (UTC)
Right, okay. I don't know much about the categories. I'll go over there and shut up o.x ~Hakinu (talk | contribs) 00:01, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

Number Of Exams

Could we out in the Chunin Exams page that there has been at least 8 exams. 4 of them that Kabuto has been a part of, 1 that the konoha 11 took part in, and the one that Temari and Shikamru were preparing.Scott swag (talk) 23:03, October 10, 2010 (UTC)
