
"Surname is Sarutobi, Given Name, Konohamaru" (姓は猿飛、名は木ノ葉丸!, Sei wa Sarutobi, Na wa Konohamaru!) is episode 161 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime.

Surname is Sarutobi, Given Name Konohamaru (姓は猿飛、名は木ノ葉丸!, Sei wa Sarutobi, Na wa Konohamaru!) is the episode 161 of Naruto: Shippūden anime.


Konoha is continually being destroyed by Pain. Konohamaru meets up with Udon and Moegi discussing what they need to do. They planned on helping the villagers to evacuate. As Konohamaru was helping some villagers, he encountered one of Pain's Bodies, the Naraka Path. He witnessed how he killed a Chunin in an instant, without doing anything to him. When the Naraka Path notices him, Ebisu intervenes to give Konohamaru time to flee. Konohamaru, knowing Ebisu was no match for the Naraka Path, chooses not to escape. He then recalls his times with Naruto who had taught him the Rasengan. The Naraka Path captured Konohamaru and was questioning him about Naruto. As the Naraka Path was about to pass judgement, Konohamaru turned out to be a Shadow Clone. The real Konohamaru appeared, hitting the Naraka path with a Rasengan. The Naraka Path decides to flee. After that, Naruto got an idea how to use Sage Mode without Fukasaku.
