editHamura Ōtsutsuki Golem Camera font awesome Browse Information
Statue of the Ōtsutsuki Clan
Novel The Last: Naruto the Movie
Movie The Last: Naruto the Movie
Appears in Novel, Movie
Species Golem
Status Presumed Deceased

This giant golem was the personal summon of Toneri Ōtsutsuki.


The golem's body looked to be made out of stone, resembling a giant slug and having a cobra-like veil and enormous arms made out of the same material. The golem didn't seem to have legs, making its movement sluggish. Its face also had a similar structure to that of Hamura Ōtsutsuki's, complete with the horns and six magatama designs, branded on its collarbones, resembling the necklace worn by Hamura himself.


The golem was able to fight hand-to-hand, and temporarily overwhelm Kurama, the strongest of the nine tailed beasts. It was durable enough to survive a Tailed Beast Ball launching it into orbit through the moon undamaged. It could also regenerate any damaged piece of its body, making it very difficult to defeat. It was also capable of manipulating the gravitational force to draw meteorites from its surroundings to rain down the moon's surface.

Part II

Blank Period

The Last: Naruto the Movie

When Naruto Uzumaki and his team saw the golem emerging from beneath Toneri's castle, he activated his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and summoned Kurama outside of his body. Kurama and the golem then engaged in a fierce fight. When Toneri was defeated, the golem froze temporarily. It was later able to move again only to punch Kurama, but missed and was quickly defeated by Kurama's Tailed Beast Ball, sending it flying into space.
