
This technique is an enhanced version of the Akimichi clan's Human Bullet Tank with its effectiveness raised several times by using it together with weapons.


  • One application of this technique first involves the user wrapping ropes with kunai attached around their body, after which the Multi-Size Technique is used. From that state, one switches over to the Human Bullet Tank. Using the kunai as spikes, the rotation power increases, and the attack power also drastically goes up.
  • In another application of this technique, shown in Part II, Chōji rapidly grows his hair out to wrap around his body, in a manner similar to Jiraiya's Needle Jizō technique, instead of using kunai. This results in far more spikes than the previous version, as well as a shorter preparation time due to Chōji not needing to wrap kunai around his body.

See Also


  1. Second Databook, page 263