
This is a technique that makes Katsuyu impossible to capture. Because she has a boneless body, she has the ability to divide her whole body or to reunite it at will. All blunt physical attacks are nullified before this technique. No matter how violent the strike, it won't amount to more than a fruitless attempt. Any enemy who attacks her will only exhaust themselves. Katsuyu can also divide herself for other various purposes such as channelling Tsunade's chakra into shinobi with one of the slugs on them to heal injuries.


  • In the Ultimate Ninja Game series, Tsunade summons Katsuyu above the target, crushing whatever is beneath her and then dividing into small slugs.
  • This technique is an exaggerated replica of a slug's ability to self-amputate a portion of its tail to escape predators.


  1. Second Databook, page 204