
This bold move is Temari's speciality. By freely manipulating the gale brought forth by her Iron Fan, the many air currents collide and create vacuums pockets. The person enveloped by this gale is assaulted by countless invisible blades, carving up their body. Also, the strong wind power will blow away all incoming projectile weapons and will even make the opponent unable to stay on their feet.Temari used this technique during her fight with Shikamaru in the chunin exams.


  • A sickle weasel (窮奇; 鎌鼬, kamaitachi) is a creature from Japanese mythology, said to ride on gusts of wind, cutting people with his sharp, sickle-like claws. Temari's summon, Kamatari, is a sickle weasel.


  1. Chapter 464, page 4
  2. First Databook, page 176