
This genjutsu uses a species of white flower that grows near the Valley of Lies as a medium. When victims smell the flowers' scent, they remember things from their lives that will cause them to lose their will to fight. The flowers' scent is strong enough to, with enough time, seep into victims' other belongings, keeping them entranced even if the flowers are discarded. If victims also discard the scented belongings and move out of range of the smell, they will be free of the genjutsu.

When Konan falls under the genjutsu's influence, she sees a field of flowers and her childhood friend, Yahiko. Yahiko articulates the guilt she's been feeling, at first causing her to think he is merely a figment of her imagination. When he starts shifting blame to her other friend, Nagato – a sentiment she does not believe is justified – she realises he is a genjutsu. She dispels the field of flowers, revealing a cliff she was about to walk off of, and after discarding her cloak causes Yahiko's image to disappear as well.
