
A capturing ninjutsu that is characteristic to Gaara. Using ordinary sand, a perfectly airtight space is created, in which the enemy is captured. An enormous quantity of sand completely envelops the target from every direction and capture them. The speed, hardness, and scope of the sand depend on the amount of chakra poured into it. Gaara can fine-tune the sand's properties to the target's size and characteristics. No matter if the target is on the ground or flying in the air, it is almost impossible to escape from this technique. However, even if someone successfully escapes from it, Gaara can easily use one of his offensive techniques, like the Sand Binding Coffin, to immediately attack the target.


  • Using a pun common to Gaara and his jutsu, "sand binding" (砂縛, sabaku) is pronounced the same as the Japanese word for "desert" (砂漠).


  1. Third Databook, page 260