
The Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation allows the user to control things that have no life functions by giving them some with their own life force, allowing the user to freely manipulate the substance according to their will. The extent of the user's control goes beyond normal manipulation through chakra, meaning that even drastic alterations to the immediate environment can occur both suddenly and unexpectedly, making attacks using this method extremely difficult to avoid even for someone with the Sharingan.

Intense heat — such as that produced by the flames of Amaterasu — can counter the effects of this technique, causing affected inorganic materials to revert to their previous state.

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki is also able to use this technique, though on a far greater scale than Kabuto. As such she make entire canyons of ice spikes attack a single target and bombard and impale it.[1]


  • The middle two kanji, 機転, coincidentally also mean 'cleverness' and 'tact'.
  1. Naruto chapter 683, pages 05-05