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Michiru Tsuki

Michiru Tsuki

Michiru TsukiMichiru Tsuki

Debut (Anime)

Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom

Appears in

Movie only

Seiyū (Japanese)
  • Akio Ohtsuka
Voice actor(s) (English)
  • Michael Sorich


Land of the Moon


Land of the Moon King

Previous occupation(s)

Land of the Moon Prince


Michiru Tsuki is currently the king of the Land of Moon. He is really overweight, cheerful, and spoiled just like Hikaru.

Plot overview

Michiru hired Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and Lee as ninja bodyguards. He goes to visit his ex-wife, Amayo, but she doesn't recognize him since he's gotten fat. When she finally realizes who he is, Amayo says that Michiru hasn't changed one bit and that he still doesn't know what the most important thing is (Michiru suggests a fortress or the Land of the Moon). When he returns, he mourns over his father's death at the hands of Ishidate.

When the team goes back to boats to get help from other lands, Michiru was abducted by Shabadaba's men and was ordered to be hanged. Hikaru and the team save him in time. After Naruto had his leg petrified, Michiru helps him up but he gets hit by Ishidate's sharp rocks. Saying it "hurts", Hikaru gives him courage to be brave through the pain and charges at Ishidate with Naruto's Crescent Moon Rasengan and kills Ishidate. After that, he lies down with Hikaru and Naruto and finally finds out what his ex-wife wanted the most was "love".
