
Fusing with the scenery - concealing one's breathing - erasing one's own shadow!!

This is a concealment technique that makes it appear as if one doesn't exist, as it were, by controlling the reflection of light from one's surroundings with chakra. For the common eye, it is impossible to perceive the user's location. Only unique eyes like the Sharingan or Byakugan have the ability to see through it.

While one's shape is concealed, one can creep up on the enemy's back unnoticed!!

—Second Databook

Users of this technique can also be located by scent[2] or how their movements displace their surroundings.[3]


  • The Second Tsuchikage's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" (無人, Mujin), seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active.[4]


  1. Second Databook, page 278
  2. Naruto episode 165
  3. Naruto chapter 524
  4. Naruto chapter 525