Forums: Index Narutopedia Discussion Site notice
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I was wondering if anybody would mind placing a sitenotice on the top in wikia skin. Its already present in the monobook skin (Here). The content would basically be the same as there, warnings about broken things and stuff....-- ~ UltimateSupreme 14:56, August 1, 2013 (UTC)

Dismiss option? ~SnapperTo 17:58, August 3, 2013 (UTC)
I'd really like one of those two, that notice is very irritating after a while. --Speysider Talk Page | My Image Uploads | Tabber Code | Channel 18:02, August 3, 2013 (UTC)
It would be possible but seeing that it was purposely removed from the monobook one, is that really needed?-- ~ UltimateSupreme 18:25, August 3, 2013 (UTC)
If it was purposefully removed, then a way to hide the notice should be made (like with the character infoboxes). Currently I'm using adblock to hide the notice (by blocking the .sitenotice class) --Speysider Talk Page | My Image Uploads | Tabber Code | Channel 18:28, August 3, 2013 (UTC)
I agree with Speysider, that notice is very irritating to see. Its pushing the pages down, and is a tremendous eyesore. Why not just update the Site Notice? It gives the users a notification, so they are immediately made aware of the update, and can check it immediately, and that way we don't have that huge eyesore at the top of every page. ~ Ten Tailed Fox Yamagakure Symbol 18:52, August 3, 2013 (UTC)
I agree with TTF --ROOT 19:16, August 3, 2013 (UTC)

By the Titans that is one fugly site notice. Like wow ha ha.--TheUltimate3 Allied Shinobi Forces Symbol (talk) 19:18, August 3, 2013 (UTC)

And it is for this reason why we have never had a site notice explaining spoilers. Because holy hell that is aggravating.--TheUltimate3 Allied Shinobi Forces Symbol (talk) 19:25, August 3, 2013 (UTC)
Fine, removed that one.-- ~ UltimateSupreme 06:15, August 4, 2013 (UTC)