
Template:Picture being removed

As some of you know I have been trying to add two pictures to Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. These consists of an Uchiha's eye bleeding after the use of Amaterasu. As for Tsukuyomi I am trying to add a picture of Sasuke breaking Itach's Tsukuyomi. I have been talking to some other editors with this problem because they have been deleting my post. As they have giving me legit problems and I have been able to correct them, but as I do other editors delete it and give me no reason.

Here are the pictures:


File:Itachi Bleeding Eye Pic.jpg

Use: To show the affect after using Amaterasu.


File:Sasuke breaking Tsukuyomi.jpg

Use: To show Sasuke breaking Itachi's Tsukuyomi.

Can any one clear up why people are deleting my update? Brian Waldbart (talk) 02:18, February 21, 2011 (UTC)Brian Waldbart
