Forums: Index Help desk Ino's editing page
Note: This topic has been unedited for 3994 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Hi um I need help. I am sort of new here and I like to edit Ino's page but everytime I do it people keep on deleting it. And I get some of these messages sent back to me: "she is not woth editing", "this again I told you she is not worth editing so I will tell you one more time stop editing Ino", and "not a special case". Some of those messages means that they are going to block me for editing it. I read the policies that they can't do that just b/c I'm editing someone's page and that they don't like her. So I was wondering if I could have your permission that I can edit Ino's page w/o anyone deleting it but can fix it if the info isn't sort of right. Please Thank You! Inoyamanaka98 (talk) 17:02, May 12, 2013 (UTC)Inoyamanaka98

No, you must not edit her page. (talk) 17:53, May 12, 2013 (UTC)

We avoid making filler arc sections for canon characters, since 9 times out of 10, they're not that important during the arc, appearing here and there. This results in disjointed sentences that don't tell a story, so we simply create a section for the arc, and point the reader to the arc page in question. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 18:06, May 12, 2013 (UTC)
