Forums: Index Narutopedia Discussion Hmmmm...
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Thus far I'm not impressed. I made a couple bad edits, and immediately got told by a top poster (someone who is supposed to represent this community) how I'm an idiot and "thanks for coming". Yes I missed a page which thoroughly explained the things I edited, however being greeted like that is not something any new member would appreciate. I was just trying to help and I got excited, my apologies.

Unclesatan (talk) 07:43, August 7, 2013 (UTC)

It would have been easier for you to stick to one page before copying and pasting the same paragraph in multiple articles. Also, you actually missed more than one page if the didn't notice Minato's comment. Try rereading a chapter before jumping to edit the wiki to prevent yourself from missing anything important. --Questionaredude (talk) 07:51, August 7, 2013 (UTC)