
This technique is an advanced kayakujutsu which uses fire-imbued explosive tags.


After placing their hand on the ground, the user releases a large number of explosive tags that stream towards the target, before wrapping themselves around the victim from the feet upwards. Once in place around the target's legs, the tags detonate simultaneously, engulfing them in an enormous explosion. On one occasion, despite Hanzō commending Nagato for having avoided this technique, the latter still suffered permanent damage to his legs that severely restricted his mobility, attesting to just how destructive the final explosion actually is.[1] Another indicator to the devastastion of the technique, is the large crater it leaves behind in solid rock after being used.[2]


  • In the anime, Hanzō uses this technique in his battle against the Sannin. In it, he uses a sequence of four hand seals. In Nagato's flashback, he just slams his palm on the ground.


  1. Naruto chapter 447, page 6
  2. Naruto chapter 447, page 5