
Contrary to its counterpart, this technique reduces the one's gravity, making it much lighter. The atmosphere, along with their body, can be lightened in order to take flight and increasing their agility.

Onoki, who possessed a mastery over this technique, was able to also manipulate the weight of other targets. By touching his target, the he could can instead take their gravity away and regulate just how much is taken. With enough practice, the person can control their flight through the sky with specific bodily movements. However, a consequence of using this technique on oneself or another individual is a decrease in the physical force of the affected person's attacks.[2]


  • The usage of this technique to fly is apparently well-known amongst the Tsuchikage, as Madara Uchiha immediately recognised its usage by Ōnoki.[3]

See Also


  1. Fourth Databook, page 274
  2. Chapter 513, page 4
  3. Chapter 561, page 2