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Volume info
  • Volume #: 11
  • Japanese release date: March 4, 2002
  • English release date: September 5, 2006


Impassioned Efforts (弟子入り志願 !?, Deshi'iri shigan!?) is volume 11 of the Naruto manga.


  • 091. Make Me Your Disciple?! (弟子入り志願 !?, Deshi'iri shigan!?)
  • 092. Konoha. vs. Sound vs. Sand (木ノ葉と音と砂と...!!, Konoha to Oto to Suna to...!!)
  • 093. Impassioned Efforts... Each and Every One!! (熱情...それぞれ!!, Netsujō... sorezore!!)
  • 094. The Key...!! (鍵...!!, Kagi...!!)
  • 095. A Chance Encounter...!! (邂逅...!!, Kaikō...!!)
  • 096. The Unexpected Visitor!! (突然の来訪者!!, Totsuzen no raihōsha!!)
  • 097. My Reason for Living...!! (在り続ける理由!!, Ari tsuzukeru wake!!)
  • 098. The Proud Failure!! (誇り高き失敗者!!, Hokori takaki shippaisha!!)
  • 099. The Finals Commence...!! (本線、開始っ...!!, Honsen, kaishi...!!)


Soon after Jiraiya starts to train Naruto, he realizes that Naruto is the container of the demon fox. Rather than give him the usual training regiment of preserving his strength, Jiraiya trains him to take advantage of the fox's power. Meanwhile, rumors of an impending invasion of Konoha by the villages of Otogakure and Sunagakure begin to spread, causing the Konoha ninja to begin preparing for the worst. For Naruto, his training consists of being taught how to summon toads to his side during battle. Although he struggles to get the hang of it at first, he is eventually able to take full advantage of the demon fox and summon a toad. Naruto recovers from his training and, on the day of the finals, heads to the location of the final matches.
